June 28, 2008

Sex maniac, Recognize its Symptom

Sexual expression is indivisible part from life and have come to award for human as the creature biologis. But, if that expression or motivation so strong and frequently seks become more dominant rather than health, job or relation/link until your life becomes bothered, might possibly you experience of behavior seks kompulsif (compulsive sexual behaviour/CSB).

In medical term, behavior seks kompulsif also often called hiperseks, nymphomania or erotomania. there is also that mention addiction seks or sex maniac. But two last terms this usually interconnected or refer at height of sexual activity together the usage of alcohol, narcotic nor gambling.

According to explanation in situs Mayo Clinic, behavior seks kompulsif in general considered as a disparity that experienced someone in controling impulse or motivation seks. This disparity Consequence, someone can not refuse obsession or motivation conduct an ownself disservice nor others. At disparity this seks, normal behavior that ought to please can turn into extreme habit.

Any that its term, behavior seks kompulsif is serious problem that can bother someone life and even menace health. But with medication and aid programs, CSB actually can be controlled so it's one can develop life healthier seks.

Recognize its symptom
Symptom CSB is highly varied, either from type or level hard its. Motivation to immerse in behavior this kompulsif can have the character of chronic and strong, and possibly will felt this motivation outside control. In general, behavior symptom seks kompulsif can be recognized from behavior patterns following:

Have much couples seks or affair extramarital that validity.
With unheard-of new couple or prostitution service
Avoid emotional involvement in sexual intercourse
Use commercial service that mengumbar telephonic sexuality or internet
Masturbasi with frequency very often.
Often see or use pornography matters.
Conduct coitus has the character of masokisme and sadism.
Mengekspos or exhibit sexuality to the public (eksibisionisme)

One who experiences of CSB often use seks as the escapee from another question, like solitude, depresi, dread nor stres. He/she also will let he/she involves behavior seks berisiko even aware about its consequence like heart trouble, sexual contagion or loss of relation/link with one who loved.

Man and woman that experience of CSB might possibly have married or is being in serious relation/link. They seems live normal, nevertheless actually not. In reality, they often difficulty creates and maintains intimacy emotionally. Last They satisfaction searching pass by behavior seks, but that need accomplishment tends to not reached until their life becomes felt emptyness. CSB also can be experienced whoever without minds preferensi sexual , was heteroseks, homosexual nor biseks.

So far, experts have not yet can ascertain what cause incidence of CSB. Erudite Research hits addiction this seks has been spelled out members new, and experts still investigates possibility of some causes its for example :

Brain Abnormality. Disease or condition medical certain possibility can generate damage at brain part that influence sexual behavior. Disease like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and demensia also relates to CSB . In other hand, parkinson's disease medication with dopamine anticipated can trigger behavior CSB.

Compound of brain chemistry. Compound of message bearer chemistry antarsel brain (neurotransmiter) like serotonin, dopamin, norepinephrine and chemistry substance experiences of other in brain play important role for sexual function and too may relate to CSB even unclear its mechanism.

Androgen. Hormone this seks naturally exist ons man and woman. Although androgen also haves of vital importance role in ambition trigger or motivation seks, unclear wether this hormone interconnected direct with CSB.

Change of brain circuit. Some experts make theory that CSB is an addiction type that along time generate change of circuits brain nerve. This Circuit is nervous tissue that become communication medium between one-celled and other cell in brain. This Change can generate psychological reaction pleased when entangle behavior seks and inconvenience reaction when that behavior stop.

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